The Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics has offered to publish an issue of selected full length papers from JETC 10.
- All types of contributions are welcome, i.e. Research Papers, Reviews, or Short Communications.
- Manuscripts should not exceed 25-30 typed pages (1 1/2 line spacing).
- Contributions should include a footnote indicating that the paper's contents has been presented at JETC 10.
- For more details about reference citations, figures, etc., please see the Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics webpage.
- Submit papers directly to JNET using the link at the bottom of the left column on the JNET webpage.
- Send a copy of the paper to me.
- Authors may indicate potential reviewers of their papers in the field "Details" during submission.
- All papers will go through the usual refereeing process and thus carry the full stamp of approval of the journal.
- The deadline for submission of these papers is 15 October 2009.