JETC 11 - June 2011

JETC 11 will be held in June 2011 and organized by Karl Heinz Hoffmann at the Chemnitz University of Technology in Chemnitz, Germany. Suggestions may be sent to

Open questions and suggestions

At the closing of JETC 10 and shortly thereafter the following open questions and suggestions were suggested in random order:

Is greenhouse effect a perpetuum mobile of the 2nd kind? Radiative transfer
Analogies of Kulback-Leibner divergence
Constructal theory
Why so many energies: free and substitutes?
Quantum thermo
Why does COSMO-RS work? Pairwise interactions
Is absorption 2D?
Coupled flows
History and philosophy of thermo
Thermo of quantum computing
Educational thermo
Thermo of flow
Bio thermo
Thermo of systems with long-range forces (Coulomb and gravitation)

If you have further suggestions to pass on to the next chair, either write him directly or send them to so that they can be posted here.

Contact information - Deadlines - 2008-2009. NBI